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Leadership Changes Things

Jesus once compared the Kingdom of God to a fire (Luke 12:49). At CLC, we’re fanning the flames of this fire by developing mission-driven leaders committed to God’s mission of transformation and reconciliation among the world’s most vulnerable (2nd Cor. 5:18).


Through the Entrepreneurial Leadership Program, we identify and invest in these leaders over a period of 8-12 months, helping them grow as leaders and as people in order to maximize their God-given potential.  

Meet our 2023 leaders...

$195 per month supports a leader through the program ($2340 = one full sponsorship). 

This work is only possible through generous financial support from donors like you.  We currently have a wait list of leaders for this program and we are not fully funded with those already participating, so please consider making a one-time tax-deductible gift or monthly donation. 

Hear from our clients...


5 Videos